4-Part Basic Series Workshop
to Mar 28

4-Part Basic Series Workshop

  • The Atrium Yoga Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every Sunday in March: 7, 14, 21 + 28 from 12-1p

The Basics Series is a deep dive into "how to do" yoga poses. We will explore not only the mechanics and anatomy of key yoga postures but understand how to use props to better support and deepen the practice. This experience will be a foundational structure not just in the understanding of poses but the energetics, philosophy and science behind a yoga practice.

The Basics series provides a foundation and structure to help students enter into any yoga class intelligently and safely. It is open to all levels, whether a beginner or an experienced practitioner who is interested in refining alignment and moving deeper within the body and practice.

Week 1: Standing & Balancing

Standing poses encourage us to reflect on our connection to all relationships and promotes confidence and balance within our lives.

Week 2: Forward Bending & Hip-Opening

Forward bending takes us on a journey into our past, teaching us how to resolve old issues by legging-go of negative emotions that become trapped in the hamstrings, the hips and the back.

Week 3: Back Bending & Twisting

Backward bending helps us move forward into our future with grace and freedom by relieving fears and emotions that are stored in the thighs, abdomen, chest, throat and face.

Week 4: Turning it Upside Down & Putting it All Together

Inversions help shift our perspective by turning the lens that we view life through upside down. Inversions thread the physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual aspects of our life together.

The Atrium Members: $100 full series; $30 single session
Non-Members: $125 full series; $35 single session

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10:00 AM10:00


Due to COVID-19, the Jivamukti 5 Senses Retreat has been cancelled. We plan to reschedule but health and safety is the priority. Please stay safe.

Angie will be assisting her mentor Andrea Kwiatkowski on this magical week long retreat of all things Jivamukti in Koh Samui, Thailand. The daily retreat schedule will include:

  • Morning pranayama & meditation practice

  • Morning 2.5+ HR asana practice enriched in philosophy, chanting accompanied by the harmonium and deep self exploration

  • Lunch break and relaxation time whether that be on the beach or spa treatments

  • Afternoon 2-HR asana practice which will be more gentle than the morning.

  • Evening Satsang with chanting, meditation and full of Bhakti!

More details on what to expect for this retreat, please visit: http://santoshayoga.co.uk/teaching/retreats/

Samahit Retreat Center is known as “Yoga Thailand.” Our lifestyle retreat center features a variety of guest room options, wifi across the property, 4 dedicated yoga shalas, an indoor cycle studio at the beach, an open air fitness and barre sea-view loft, a detox and wellness center, eco-lifestyle boutique, juice and coffee bar, drinking water stations, and our celebrated buffet–style health-food restaurant, Sattva Dining.

More Info about Samahita Retreat Center - www.samahitaretreat.com 

2 Spots Left!!!

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Breathwork for Lung Strength & Resilience - A Pranayama Workshop
7:00 PM19:00

Breathwork for Lung Strength & Resilience - A Pranayama Workshop

Streaming Times: 7 PM US CST // 6 PM US MT // Recording of the workshop will be available

The breath and our emotional and mental state are intrinsically interwoven. The way we breathe affects our mental state and our mental state affects our breath. In uncertain times such as these, both our mind and breath need to be resilient, strong and steady. 

In yoga, the practice of breathing techniques is called pranayama. Through pranayama, we learn to access our vitality, energy and life force. Physiologically, a pranayama practice regulates blood pressure, oxygenates the blood, calms the central nervous system, boosts immunity and increases lung capacity. 

Join Angie for a Pranayama workshop to stretch and expand the body for deeper breathing, restore the nervous system and explore various pranayama practices while resting in restorative postures. 

“Pranayama has the power to set us free. When we are set free, we fulfill our fullest potential.” B.K.S Iyengar

Registration via MindBody with The Atrium Yoga Studio:


$25 for Atrium Members

$35 for Non-Atrium Members

A recording of this workshop will be available for rental via The Atrium On Demand Online Classes, found here: https://www.theatriumyogastudio.com/on-demand-classes

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Hot, Hip & Holy Jivamukti Masterclass
12:00 PM12:00

Hot, Hip & Holy Jivamukti Masterclass

Streaming Times: 12pm US CST // 11am US MT // 6pm UK Time

Join Angie for a LIVE streamed Jivamukti masterclass on Zoom hosted by Angie’s UK Yoga home, Central Wellness. We will have you chanting, moving, sweating, and tapping into something deeper.

We will be looking to distill down what is necessary for an enriched practice and what “IT” is that keeps you stepping on your yoga mat.

We will dive deep into the sacred yoga scriptures to help develop our understanding of the yoga practice but more importantly in our own personal lives.

We will learn about the Jivamukti method and have a hot, hip and holy asana practice to stoke our inner fire.

The masterclass is taught with modifications for all levels, breath awareness, and relaxation.

For registration, please visit https://www.centralwellness.uk/ and book via MindBody.

Sliding scale donation, suggested $6 - $19 ( £5- £15 )

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Jivamukti Day Retreat
11:00 AM11:00

Jivamukti Day Retreat

  • Samadhi Center for Yoga, Golden Triangle Location (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Jivamukti Day Retreat Part I: 11:00am - 1:30pm

Jivamukti Day Retreat Part II: 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Calling all yogis for a day of spiritual activation! Jivamukti yoga – often called the Wild Child of Yoga for its artistic and activist inspiration founded by Sharon Gannon & David Life in New York - is defined as the Path to Enlightment through compassion for all beings.

This Jivamukti Day Retreat will be a deep dive into what makes Jivamukti the powerful method it is. This retreat will take you on a journey through the 5 tenets of Jivamukti:

·         Ahimsa = cultivating a compassionate lifestyle

·         Bhakti = devotion

·         Dhyana = connecting to the eternal reality

·         Nada = development of a sound body & mind

·         Shastra = ancient yogic teachings

The day will cover all aspects of what is called the “practice” – dynamic asana, scripture study, chanting, restorative work and meditation. It will recharge and inspire your yoga journey!

It is recommended to book for full day however there is the option to book Part I or Part II. For booking click here https://samadhiyoga.net/events/ or call at 303-860-9642 .


  • Part I $35

  • Part II $30

  • Full Day $60

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Jivamukti Thailand Retreat
to Nov 3

Jivamukti Thailand Retreat

  • Samahita Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Angie will be assisting her mentor Andrea Kwiatkowski on this magical week long retreat of all things Jivamukti in Koh Samui, Thailand.

Retreat venue – www.samahitaretreat.com have a look at the retreat centre, with 4 yoga shalas, juice bar, wellness clinic, detox centre and eco lifestyle shop.

Info about Samahita – 

“Formerly known as “Yoga Thailand” our lifestyle retreat center features a variety of guest room options, wifi across the property, 4 dedicated yoga shalas, an indoor cycle studio at the beach, an open air fitness and barre sea-view loft, a detox and wellness center, eco-lifestyle boutique, juice and coffee bar, drinking water stations, and our celebrated buffet–style health-food restaurant, Sattva Dining.


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Hot, Hip & Holy - A Jivamukti Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Hot, Hip & Holy - A Jivamukti Workshop

  • Samadhi Center of Yoga - Uptown (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hot = A dynamic class that will make you sweat

Hip = Asana & breath moving to some beats

Holy = Devotional & Uplifting


Not your average workshop! This 2-hour Jivamukti workshop will have you chanting, moving, sweating, and tapping into something deeper. We will be looking to distill down what is necessary for an enriched practice and what “IT” is that keeps you stepping on your yoga mat.

We will dive deep into the sacred yoga scriptures of the Bhagavad Gita & Yoga Sutras to help develop our understanding of the yoga practice but more importantly in our own personal lives. We will learn about the Jivamukti method, the 5 tenants that makes this method so magical,  and have a hot, hip and holy asana practice to stoke our inner fire.

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, breath awareness, and relaxation.


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Be Still - A Meditation Workshop
3:30 AM03:30

Be Still - A Meditation Workshop

“When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. In the still mind, in the depths of meditation, the Self reveals itself.”

The Bhagavad Gita (6:19)

The Bhagavad Gita describes that the mind must be made one-pointed through the practice of meditation. But how do we find that stillness when our heads are full of constant thoughts? Through the practice of meditation, you learn to not stop the thoughts but to witness them. In this special workshop inspired by the Bhagavad Gita, we will be exploring how to calm the mind through a gentle asana practice, breathing techniques (pranayama), restorative poses and most importantly how to meditate.

No meditation experience is needed to attend this workshop and is open to all levels.

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Growing Roots - Our Connection to the Earth
2:30 AM02:30

Growing Roots - Our Connection to the Earth

DATE CHANGE from Saturday, 8 October to Saturday 22, October

Sthira-sukham asanam” (Yoga Sutra II.46)

Translation: The connection to the earth should be steady and joyful.  

With Autumn comes busy schedules and busier schedules. It is a transitional time not only for the external environment but for our internal environment as well. Staying steady and grounded is essential this time of year. In yoga, we find this stability by connecting to the earth. We do this through working with chakras (energy wheels) and standing asanas to re-connect. The Growing Roots workshop will be focused on re-tuning ourselves physically, energetically and emotionally. To stay grounded means to strive towards balance and peace in our ever changing lives.

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, breath awareness and relaxation.

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Learning to Fly
2:30 AM02:30

Learning to Fly

In our fast-moving lives we need standing postures to keep us grounded. However, how do we still stay grounded when a yoga teacher instructs us to lift one foot off the ground or maybe even both?  In the Learning to Fly workshop we will explore and learn about inversions. Inversions are yoga postures where the head is below the heart and used to shift our perspective by turning our world upside down.

In this playful workshop we will be using supportive props and techniques for all levels of practitioners. No experience with inversions is needed as the purpose is to build a strong safe foundation before taking flight. 

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Raja Yoga
3:00 AM03:00

Raja Yoga

  • Youth Matters Building - Yarborough (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There are many practices that form the foundation of a yoga “practice.” All of the different styles, methods and practices can get confusing as sometimes we just want one clear path. Patanjali understood this about the modern householder and systemized an 8-limbed plan called Raja or Ashtanga yoga. Each limb of this Raja yoga represents a specific practice to purify and connect the mind, body and soul. In this month’s workshop we will learn about this system and discuss how previous workshop themes; chakras, kriya, karma, yamas/niyamas all come together under this one system.

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, music, breath awareness and relaxation.

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3:00 AM03:00


  • Youth Matters Building - Yarborough (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Niyamas, the second limb of Patanjali’s ashtanga yoga plan translates as the ‘rules of conduct.’ These are the behaviours and attitudes towards ourselves. This month we will continue the study of yogas ethics by focusing on the Niyamas ~ shaucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (discipline), swadhyaya (self-study) and Ishvarapranidhana (devotion).  Just as we take the time to reflect outwards on our attitude towards others, we must also take the time to reflect inwards on our attitude towards the self. As BKS Iyengar says “Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, music, breath awareness and relaxation.

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Yamas & Niyamas
3:00 AM03:00

Yamas & Niyamas

  • Yarborough Leisure Centre - Cycling Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Rules and limits are all things that we as humans are used to ~ we see and deal with them every day. On our drive into work there are speed regulations, at work there are rules that we follow, even at home we have boundaries that are set for ourselves and for our families. The yamas & niyamas are the yoga “rules” or guidelines. They are yoga’s ethical backbone and recommendations given to help us lead a balanced, compassionate lifestyle. This month we will learn about the yamas & niyamas and how to incorporate them into our lives, not because we have to but because we want to.

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, music, breath awareness and relaxation.

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Karma Yoga
3:00 AM03:00

Karma Yoga

  • Yarborough Leisure Centre - Cycling Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

With the start of every new year, we find ourselves questioning what it will bring ~ what do we want to accomplish, what will we work harder to do, what will we as individuals strive to be?  The practice of Karma yoga is one that can answer a lot of these questions and with intention, bring a true peace to the soul.  Karma yoga requires evaluation of one’s own thoughts, actions, deeds and the results they bring to us personally while also to others.  This month we will explore the karmas of the past, present, future and our samskaras (unfilled desires and ambitions).

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, music, breath awareness and relaxation.

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Kriya Yoga – Part II
3:00 AM03:00

Kriya Yoga – Part II

  • Yarborough Leisure Centre – Cycling Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Difficulty in life is inevitable; we all have trials and tribulations. However, through our own thoughts and actions we can minimize the stress and struggles if we choose to ~ we start by first identifying the obstacles that lie in front of us. These obstacles in yoga are called kleshas.  Continuing the practice of Kriya yoga this month, we will work to clear the kleshas and remove the clutter from our minds and bodies. 

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, music, breath awareness and relaxation.

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Winter Barre Masterclass
3:00 AM03:00

Winter Barre Masterclass

  • Yarborough Leisure Centre - Cycling Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join in the fun as we celebrate all things Total Barre at Yarborough Leisure Centre - the only gym in Lincoln to offer this dynamic class that integrates pilates, yoga, ballet, cardio and strength training all in one! Following the success of our Summer Barre Special, Yarborough is running a Winter Barre Masterclass for both new and existing class members. It promises to be great fun and a brilliant workout too!  No dance experience is necessary and all fitness levels are welcome.

£7 Yarborough Supporters
£10 Non-Yarborough Supporters

Book your space today by ringing Yarborough Reception 01522 - 304400 or book online under "Barre Masterclass”

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Kriya Yoga – Part 1
3:00 AM03:00

Kriya Yoga – Part 1

  • Yarborough Leisure Centre – Cycling Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kriya yoga is the practice of actions that lead to unconditional love. In yoga, we are given tools and methods to purify the body, mind and soul. In Kriya yoga, there is a three-step plan Patanjali gives us to help work towards bliss and balance in our lives.  This month we will explore this plan by practicing in a heated room to light the fire within us and discover how to integrate tapah, svadhyaya, ishvara pranidhana on and off the yoga mat.

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, music, breath awareness and relaxation.

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Let us Sit with the Cit
3:00 AM03:00

Let us Sit with the Cit

  • Yarborough Leisure Centre - Cycling Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It is believed that the goal of yoga is to restrain and quiet the mind completely. Once you can sit in perfect meditation without a trace of a thought or feeling, you have reached the end goal of Yoga. But realistically this is extremely difficult. Our minds are like roller coasters, they take us on a ride everyday ~ up, down and all around. Cit in Sanskrit means the mind and this month we are going to sit with the cit. We usually work hard to stop the mind and search for the sweetness in a pose but this workshop let us open the mind and let our thoughts and feelings guide us.

The workshop is taught with modifications for all levels, hands on adjustments, breath awareness and relaxation.

If you have your own mat please bring it along with you, if not, yoga mats will be provided along with other yoga props.

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